PCD home


    American College of Physcians Cancer Home Care Site - This web page discusses
    the issues of caring for a loved one suffering with advance cancer.

    On-line Caregiver Support Page - Excellent page that addresses the emotional
    aspects of caregiving. http://www.caregiving.com/support/index.htm

    The Healthy Caregiver - Online magazine offering tips and advice for how
    caregivers can take care of themselves. http://www.healthycaregiver.com

    Patient Advocacy Home Page - Written by a Physcian's Assistant to help cancer
    patient's and their loved ones battle the system.

    Cancer Survivors Online. Cancer information, resources, support, hot lines, links and a medical glossary   designed for cancer patients, families, friends, and the professionals who treat them.   Focused on the need for knowledge and positive survival techniques. Created and maintained by cancer survivors willing to share their knowledge and experiences. http://www.ahamade.com/CancerSurvivors/

    Keepin' The Faith! Cancer support for the heart and soul. A very upbeat support page by people who have been there. http://ktf.org/

    Breast Cancer Action, Ottawa. A Canadian site with links for breast cancer survivors in the U.S., Britain, Australia and much more. http://infoweb.magi.com/~bcanet/

    Healing with humor. Dedicated to the belief that a little laughter goes a long way in dealing with illness. Links to more sites with the same view. http://www.saskweb.com/healinghumour/

    Scott Burton's Cancer Resource Page. Scott is a cancer survivor and a professional comedian, need we say more. He can be booked as a motivational speaker too. http://www.sburton.com/inconnav.htm